The following demos are not best practice examples, they should just show what you can do with jsMorph.
Most of the demos can be found in the Plugins section as real usable plugins.
This demo shows how easy it is to set up an image/content sliding animation.
You see an unordered list (UL - LI) where all the LIs contain any content: images, movies, text, links, etc. followed by one empty DIV. The dots and their functionality get filled automatically.
See the flexibility made possible by the auto unit-converter: The whole setup and animation is done in %.
The speed reduction (to 6. 1 is default) makes the animation appear a little smoother on old or slow computers. This is due to less renderings of this 'heavy' chunc that would interupt the browsers rendering engine too often...
var slides = document.getElementById('slides'), dots = document.getElementById('dots'), slideInit = function(frame, dotFrame) { // position ILs and make dots var slides = frame.children, divs = dotFrame.children, sl = slides.length, dots = ''; for(n=sl; n--;) { slides[n].style.cssText += ';left:'+(n*100)+'%;'; if (n) dots += '<div></div>'; } frame.current = 0; dotFrame.innerHTML = '<div class="dots-high"></div>' + dots; for (n=divs.length;n--;) divs[n].current = n+1; }, slide = function(myMorph, frame, dotFrame, duration) { // set up sliding animation var slides = frame.children, dots = dotFrame.children; frame.current = frame.current >= slides.length-1 ? 0 : frame.current + 1; for (n=dots.length; n--;) dots[n].className = frame.current == n ? 'dots-high' : ''; myMorph.reset(slides, {'margin-left': '-'+(frame.current * 100)+'%'}, {duration: duration, speed: 6}, function(n) { // quinticEaseInOut if ((n*=2)<1) return 0.5*n*n*n*n*n; return 0.5*((n-=2)*n*n*n*n+2); } ).start(); }, slideTime, initInterval = function() { slideTime = window.setInterval(function(){slide(myMorph, slides, dots, 900)}, 6000); }, myMorph = new jsMorph(); dots.onmouseout = dots.onclick = function(e) { // event delegation var e = e || window.event, obj = || e.srcElement; if (e.type == 'click') { if (!obj.current) return; window.clearInterval(slideTime); slideTime = null; slides.current = obj.current-2; slide(myMorph, slides, dots, 900); return false; } else if (!slideTime) initInterval(); }; slideInit(slides, dots); initInterval();